Official Deped Logo B.u.i.l.d.Up Christian School Inc

SchoolID: 426811

applications are now on going for SY 2024-2025


“A paragon of excellence and an outstanding progressive and non-traditional educational system with lifelong learners who are trained, equipped and are ablaze with passion for making a difference in their generation.”

BuildUp CSI Mission


B.U.I.L.D. Up Christian School aims to promote optimum child development through a holistic, non-traditional and progressive curriculum. We are committed to pursue excellence in providing and training children with meaningful experiences that enrich their knowledge and build their character. More so, embedding character traits, biblical values and principles in the curriculum that will surely help students build a lifetime of meaningful and lasting relationships in accordance with Biblical principles.

B.U.I.L.D. Up Core Values

Luke 2:40 (AMPC)

          40 And the Child grew and became strong in spirit, filled with wisdom; and the grace (favor and spiritual blessing) of God was upon Him.

          Jesus is our greatest example.  Jesus as a young man grew physically, mentally, and spiritually. He became strong in spirit, mind, intellect, and understanding. Thus, He also increased in knowledge, strength, and character.

          As B.U.I.L.D. Up students,  they are to grow in areas of broad wisdom and full knowledge. We desire that they also develop Christ-like character to be a steward of everything God has blessed us with and to be of service and blessing to the community.

  • Be filled with Wisdom and Knowledge through learning
  • Grow Christ-like character in spirit and virtues
  • Enhanced Physical Strength and holistic wellness 
  • Increase Stewardship and service
The discovery and development of talent is always the foundation for personal and professional growth. B.U.I.L.D. Up Christian School Inc. provides a unique environment where every student can discover his or her abilities, awaken imagination and succeed based on natural potential. It nurtures future leaders who can make a difference in the world by respecting and supporting the individuality of each student. For those who strive for development and want to reach new heights in various fields, convenient and modern tools are always important. Even in the field of online entertainment, convenience and accessibility are key. To help with this, there is a resource Citeulike, which provides information about the most reliable methods of payment in online casinos. This is a useful resource for learning about current payment solutions, especially when it comes to choosing the best way to fund your account. Combining the pursuit of excellence in an educational environment with the ability to apply modern technology to other aspects of life forms a harmonious approach to development. The principles established at B.U.I.L.D. Up Christian School Inc. perfectly illustrate how attention to unique interests and needs helps to find the best paths to success in all areas.

A has a…

B.      Balanced Mind + Heart

Nurturing minds and hearts are equally important to us, as an individual and as an institution. The children’s knowledge and skills are honed inside and outside the classroom with the goal of cultivating one’s virtue and excellence by uplifting Christ-centered values.

U.       United & Connected

In today’s world where everyone needs to be connected, it’s our aim and goal that our students are engaged in learning and connected towards their community both online and onsite. More so, lessons and curriculum are united based on themes and integrated towards each subject and project.

I.      Integrity, Influence and Leadership, Innovation & creativity


Even seen or unseen, God is our ultimate audience in all our deeds. God always does and rewards accordingly. The fruits of integrity are honesty, trustworthiness, and honor. Having integrity will ensure that we always do what is right – not only in our own eyes but in the eyes of God. Thus, a must be always transparent even when no one is looking.

“To do what is right and just is more acceptable to the LORD than sacrifice.” — Proverbs 21:3

       Innovation & Creativity

We constantly strive to redefine the standard of excellence in everything we do. Therefore, we are open to ideas that challenge the traditional conventional views and drive innovation and creativity. The only constant in life is “change” and we believe that in order to stay relevant we must constantly improve with society’s changing needs. A believes that Innovation drives growth and development.

       Influence & Leadership:

Influence is a defining characteristic of leadership of every student of B.U.I.L.D. Up Christian School. They understand who they are and the effects or impact we have on others. It is the ability to empower others into choosing certain actions and beliefs. Thus, a has the ability to encourage, motivate and guide others to think or act in accordance with the school’s values and culture to achieve and reach goals. 

L.       Love for God, Love for people & Love for learning

B.U.I.L.D. Up students possess a deep, lasting love for God and His Word. They also develop a genuine love of their neighbors, the communities in which they are placed, and all that is true, good, and beautiful.

          Love for Learning

A builder will acquire a thirst for knowledge and a lifelong joy of learning, established in a deep appreciation for the truth and wisdom found in a full spectrum of subjects and activities. They will be trained to take joy in learning. 

D.       Dedicated & disciplined

B.U.I.L.D. Up students are committed and accountable to one another as they persist and try their best. They are dedicated to achieve and discipline to strive and attain their personal goals by persisting and giving their best effort and excellence at all times.


E.       Equity, Empathy & Compassion

As a carrier of Christ’s heart, a is caring and tolerant of what is the truth and fair. They are proponents of justice. Their hearts are connected to their hands and feet to be of service to others and their community for God’s glory.


There are no obstacles to achieving educational potential, not even personal or social circumstances such as gender, ethnic origin, different abilities, and special needs or family background. All individuals reach at least a basic minimum level of skills as an inclusive environment and curriculum are achieved. All students have access to education and services even in a less restrictive environment based on student needs. 

R.       Respectful Citizens

Subjects and activities are intentionally designed to inculcate love for the country and promotion of Filipino culture and traditions.  In the end, a is brought up as a responsible and compassionate citizen who wanted to make history and be an agent of change. 

           Responsible Stewardship

A is true to be owners of nothing but stewards of everything that God has given, gifted, and blessed with.

About Us

B.U.I.L.D. Up Christian School Inc. is a hub where gifts and talents are discovered and natural unlimited learning potentials are tapped. It provides an opportunity where God-given abilities, imagination and creativity are awakened. It endeavors to raise future generational leaders – who are world changers, history makers and glory dispensers of God. It aspired to continually provide an avenue where every person is respected, cared for and celebrated for their unique interest, different ability and multiple intelligences.

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Experience a MIDYEAR to Remember!