Official Deped Logo B.u.i.l.d.Up Christian School Inc

SchoolID: 426811

applications are now on going for SY 2024-2025

Online Distance Learning

Teacher Led Classes

Flexible: Online + On Campus Learning

• Classes may transition from online to regular school meetings.

• Curriculum designed by the school.

• Planning/goal setting are initiated by the school together with the class advisers and home school coordinator.

• Weekly Lesson plans, daily Targets, activities, projects, worksheet, quizzes and assessments are all provided by the school.

• This is a teacher led classes with parent collaboration.

• Quarterly Progress Report, Student Records and DepEd registration are made by the class coordinators as assisted by the school.

Note: This program is not available at the moment as per local government, DepEd and IATF advisory.

• Classes are done online with provision to attend events, assessment and final evaluation in school.

• Curriculum is designed by the school.

• Planning and goal settings are done by the class advisers.

• This is a teacher led class with parent collaboration & assistance depending on child’s independence. Distance Learning & Classes are held remotely online with a Tutor/Parent’s Assistance for proper monitoring and coordination.

• It includes once or twice a week classes with subject teachers, with a strong class adviser support for daily goals and target setting.

• Scheduled meetings for attendance monitoring, class discussion and for coaching are followed.

• Books are aligned with Weekly Lesson plans, daily Targets, integrated activities and projects, worksheet, quizzes and assessments, instructional videos are all provided by the school. Parent Teachers and tutors may also add to the existing materials for reference.

• For independent learners (from grade III and onwards): digital curriculum with online students consultations and chat support are available.

• Assistance is provided by the school for records and registration & accreditation.


We have been assisting homeschool families with their needs in academic planning, curriculum design, DepEd accreditation and even PEPT requirements since 2016.

For more information about this, you may leave a message or get in touch with our office so we can assist you better and send you more details.